So I would of notice something should of gone wrong though out the whole PC port. I've beaten the story mode 100% by the way. Still, I doubt that the OP has a PC that can run that at a constant 60 FPS, and it can't even drop to 55, otherwise it starts chugging.ĭon't know about you but I have a 8GB ram computer with a AMD processor and it runs this game perfectly fine with my Xbox One Controller with not a single lag/speedup issues with the framerate. So yes I'd recommend it somewhat, but still, SOnic Daventure 2 is definitely better on ps3 xbox and gamecube but it's still even better than nothing if you have got a laptop and want Chao's and speedy action on the go.
Have you seen Devil may cry 3 SE here on steam? OOOOOH BOY you cant even begin to play that port without modding it, and control support? dont even get me started on how frustrating it is even with an xbox controller om dmc 3. I get what you mean this is not an ideal port, playable, but definitely not good, BUT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this is not what i call a 'godaweful' port. Originally posted by Luigi the Koopa Kop: